Message text written by "Jay Snavely"
I have just finished reassembling my car and find I still have a wiring
problem. It seems to be on the main cable from the positive terminal to
starter. There is a wire connection where 3 large wires are joined to the
cable and the connections are shielded by a black plastic cover. The power
to the car completely shuts off right after the starter kicks in. If I
wiggle these connections, everything is OK again. But as soon as I hit the
starter again, it dies, lights, instruments and all. The connections were
corroded so I tried to clean them with a emery board cut to fit inside the
connectors. Is there a better way to clean connectors? I'm thinking maybe
I should replace the cable and/or connectors because I don't want this
problem to occur later.
Jay, This sounds like a classic case of a marginal connection at the
battery. Take both battery cables loose (one at a time) and clean them and
reattach firmly.
Else the connector on the battery cable you are playing with is clamped
onto the cable. If you look closely you will see a fastener head which you
may try to tighten. This may rectify the situation if this connection is
Good luck