Message text written by "Ken Waringa"
>Well I got the dash in last night and it looks great. Most things work,
>I still have a bunch of electrical troubleshooting (no turn signals,
>speedometer lights not working, etc.) to do. It got too late last night
As always, check the bulbs.
>I did find some wires that I'm not sure of:
>The schematic in the Bentley Manual for 71 doesn't show a Buzzer, key
>and key light, but I have the wiring for them. I looked at the 72-74
>schematic and found the wire colors corresponding to what I have. My
>problem is that I can't find where the light goes or where the buzzer and
>key switch connections go. The light socket has a bulb in it so I assume
>was previously installed. I searched all around the key area but couldn't
>find anything. Does anyone have an idea where these wires and light
Ken, do you really want a buzzer??? Seriously, take the wiring diagrams
with a grain of salt. Different configurations were used for different
markets on a given year and the phase in of features occured at any point
during a model run so you pretty much have to look at all the digrams and
fend for your self.
The light should mount in a metal bracket spot welded to the underside of
the dash just right of the steering wheel. This bracket has a hole in it
for snapping in a typical bulb holder.
>I found a purple wire near the left (driver's) door that isn't connected
>anything. I thought it might be the door switch, but that has a wire to
>already. Are there supposed to be two wires to it?
The purple wire is fused-always hot and is typically used to power the
curtesy lights. The 71 had a single curtesy light mounted at the end
(rear) of the driveshaft tunnel. If that piece is missing (DPO?) then this
might be the power feed for that lamp and the boot lamp. The door switch
uses only one wire as the switch will earth the low side of the curtesy
lamp and the other side is connected to the purple wire.
>I have a green wire hanging down in the middle of the dash. I thought it
>might go to the heater switch, but the switch has all it's wires and works
>properly. Any ideas?
Perhaps it is the green wire to the turn signal flasher which would explain
why the signals don't work. (another thing to check is the emergency
flasher relay)
Speaking of turn signals, the fuse that feeds the signals also feeds the
brake lamps, the wiper motor, the gauges, and the heater. Check the
opertion of these items.
>Before I get a blast, I did mark all wires as I disconnected them from the
>dash during the replacement. These wires I'm talking about were
>disconnected and hanging when I started. I found a couple other wires I
>have questions about next week, but I want to try to trace them down
>I love a good mystery, but sometimes I need the help and advise of a more
>experienced detective.
>As always, TIA
>Ken Waringa