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RE: weather

To: Christopher Ball <>
Subject: RE: weather
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 19:19:48 -0500
Cc: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Chris Ball writes:
>        Why don't you lot just p*ss off !   We are sitting here in Toronto
>having just shoveled ourselves out on Wednesday and tonight there's
>20 CMs coming our way. We don't want to hear about it .
>       (for the humour impaired this is just a cabin fever joke from the
>frozen north) 
>> You call that hot! Over here it's been between 35 and 37 degrees
>> Celcius for the past five days (95 - 100ish deg F) - not really

don't get mad at them, Chris, have pity on them.  After all they have to
that Foster's stuff!

Dave Massey
St. Louis, MO USA

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