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Re: I'm Fixing A Hole...

To: "Westerdale, Bob" <>
Subject: Re: I'm Fixing A Hole...
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 08:51:10 -0700
Cc: "'Geo Hahn'" <>, TR <>
References: <D532BD4F055ED2119E8300A0C9E1C8CE40F6EA@EDAXNJ05>
My 19 month stay in England in the early '70's showed me that
approaching darkness is not sufficient to cause many Brits to turn on
their headlamps.  Back then (and maybe now as well), a good number of
them would drive around with only their parking lamps on (particularly
on lighted streets), during the black of night!   It had something to do
with running their battery down I was told.  Maybe a lot of them had
Lucas Electrical systems.  :)


"Westerdale, Bob" wrote:
> I would've expected the onset of darkness to be enough of a clue for the
> necessity of headlights.
> Besides, who can read while driving?
> Bob Westerdale
> Jim Bauder wrote:
> > What is a "lighting up table"?
> An example of British efficiency (and love for an orderly system).  It
> is a little table that shows what time to turn on your headlights for
> each week of the year.
> The brass one on my dash is for Northumberland -- relatively small and
> simple.  I also have a larger paper one for all the major cities in the
> UK plus Dublin.
> Geo Hahn
> 59 TR3A
> Tucson, AZ

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