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Re: Free club membership

To: "R. John Lye" <>
Subject: Re: Free club membership
From: "T. R. Householder" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 09:33:29 -0500
References: <> <>
John, Bills email send and reply lines are different.. Drop the (smtp.)
to reply....
> At 08:56 PM 2/10/00 +0000, Bill Sohl wrote:
> >The fact
> >remains that a large number of USA owners (owners of 
> >all kinds of marques) just are NOT joiners.

 So here is how were going  increase the club support web.. 
Herein lies a precident......

   In the begining TSOA mwmbership was a thing you got when you bought
your car..

   Maybe the Clubs today can start a precident.

    If a club member is buying or selling  a car, then a 2 year member-
ship in a local and national Organization should be included in the

  Yea!Yea!... your already a member....

Well ya duh..... Tell the seller you want 50 bucks off the price to
enlist some technical help.

  So here is the line.....

  "Well I'd like to take this off your hands....  mmmmm.. but I'm not
sure I can get the parts or figure out how that furin' thing works. If
you throw in that-tar manual and the badge you put in your pocket 
(whike I was pullin in the driveway) and take Fifty bucks off fur me to
enlist in this here club my buddy told me about.... Then we got a deal." 

  To the other side..  when you sell the car to a non member or new can put them at ease with any of that "furin' thing"
apprehension stuff by simply saying...

  "Don't worry I'll throw in a club membership so you can get all the
help you need."

(Don't forget to write the check) 


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