At 08:22 AM 1/25/00 -0500, George Richardson wrote:
>I think you turn it counter clockwise to tighten it. Both my Jag and my
TR3 have
>this type of adjustment. I've never noticed that the TR3 was different,
and the
>Jag definitely tightens when turned counter clockwise. I'd go check the
TR3, but
>it's currently under a covering of snow.
>John Cowan wrote:
>> The steering wheel adjustment collar on my '60 TR-3A is stuck. I'm
>> dousing it with penetrating oil, but want to be certain which way to turn
>> it to loosen it. If I'm sitting in the car facing forward, I assume I turn
>> it counter-clockwise to loosen it. Is this correct?
Turning it to the right (clockwise) loosens, left (counter) tightens..
just checked on my TR3B and that's the way this one works..
Don Marshall