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RE: Paint, Upholstery

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: Paint, Upholstery
From: "Westerdale, Bob" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 18:52:51 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Don't count on the paint to hide anything.  If you can see the dings now, a
fresh coat of paint will make them look like the Himalayas.
Silver/white/yellow etc. will minimize the dissapointment,  while black,
red, dark colors in general will make you disavow ownership ( Nope- ain't my
car!).  The hardest thing about painting a car is the final sanding, prior
to the start of finish coating. Do yourself a favor and put the extra time
in now, before the paint goes on.
The final prep sanding and judicious use of scratch filler ( eg. Nitro-Stan
#9001) makes all the difference!  Good luck
B. Westerdale
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 4:18 PM
Subject: Paint, Upholstery

Got some questions:

On painting, which paint "covers" little dings and imperfections the best? I
have heard to stay away from red unless the body is perfect. I am looking at
Mustang Yellow, or a silver (like the Civics have now, almost a platinum),
the French Blue (I think) on the latest Moss TR250/TR6 catalog (my wife
likes that color). Mine will be a daily driver, and while I will try to get
as good as possible, I am also a realist. Any comments?

Also, I have recovered my radio/gearshift console with foam packing, which
worked well, if I do say so myself. I got the recover "kit" from Rimmer,
is just a vinyl cover for the console. My question: there are three holes
underneath the area that the radio is supposed to go. I don't remember there
being anything there before, but before I go to cutting anything, I just
to make sure that these were just  "weight reduction" holes. Do they serve a
purpose? Cig lighter, etc?


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