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Subject: Ammeters
From: John Dowson <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 08:55:31 +0000

Hope this does not prove to contentious but I would like to make this
suggestion about ammeters.

IMHO the principle function of an ammeter is to show wether the
dynamo/alternator is functioning, if it is meeting the electrical
load requirements, and if the battery is accepting charge.

To satisfy the above the ammeter should be in the battery line
(but not including the starter motor) which will allow the ammeter to
indicate battery charge/discharge. All loads other than the battery
such as head lamps do not feed through the ammeter but you
still know if the alternator/dynamo is working by the ammeter indication.

Therefor if you provide a higher current supply by changing a dynamo for
an alternator then there is no reason to change the ammeter range. If you
have a good battery it will still only take as much charge as it needs which
will probably be around 10A (very variable number) so the standard 30A meter
range is what is required. Even if the needle is on the stop no damage will be
done as it should only be there for a short time and then drop back to a
reasonable charge rate.

Hope the above makes sense, it was just a thought.

John Dowson

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