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Re: non LBC- humour only

Subject: Re: non LBC- humour only
From: "Stéphane St-Amant" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 08:15:51 +0500
You think 14F is cold?  Try -20C (-4F) and -38C (-36.4F) with the windchill 
 Brutal wake up this morning when got out to the car!!!  Better than a shower!

in freezing Ottawa (Canada)

P.S. My garage is not heated too (although it is insulated), but I'm seriously
thinking about buying a heater for it!
>In a message dated 00-01-14 07:23:50 EST, writes:
><< Scotsman said...
>  "I donna know where y'been laddie...
>   ......but it's nice ta' know y'won first prize!" >>
> colleagues here at work thank you for taking the chill out of the

>morning with this little snipet of humor...good thing the lassies didn't 
>strap a dash plaque "on what nature provided"....oh boy - we're going to have

>fun with this one...summon the List Censors, Martha....!
>And, by the way all you listees in warmer climates...enjoy....this morning

>it's 14 degrees with wind and salt on the back roads and I wanted to skip out

>of work early today and turn some more nuts on the 6 chassis in the unheated

>garage....what happened to last week when it was in the 50's!!??
>Chip Krout
>'76 TR6 CF57822U (restoration underway)
>'70 Spit Mk3  FDU78512L (enjoying winter under cover)

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