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Re: Fw: Need pistons(TR6)

Subject: Re: Fw: Need pistons(TR6)
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 18:37:02 -0500
Don Kerr Wrote:

>What about having it sleeved and sized to fit what you've got, supposing
>the pistons are in tip-top shape..............

Sleeves - on a TR6?? Ummm, sorry - wrong engine!

Regarding using used pistons...

Talk to your machinist about this. Pistons are wear items in your motor.
You could put used pistons in there, but you'll be rebuilding that baby in
short order.

If your pistons are perfect - sure you can re-use them. But if you look
closely at them, you're likely to see scuffing marks on the skirts - the
ring lands will be filled with carbon - and stuff is really hard to get
out! Sounds harmless, right? So you put in new rings and guess what - the
rings bind. This is not good.

And another thing, pistons are graded by batches - if you do go with used
pistons, make sure all 6 are the same type. There are A, B, F, G and H
grade TR6 pistons. Don't mix them.

Now, figure $200 - $300 for a new set of pistons, rings and new pins. Get
the block bored and honed and then just stuff the new ones in. You'll be
good for another 100k miles.

Believe me - this is a really easy decision to make.

Oh, by the way - if you're thinking you'll be sble to rebuild your motor
for cheap money - guess again. Target $1400 or so for the job. Get out your
TRF book and add up the parts then throw in $750 or so for machine work
(more if you align bore the cam holes for bearings).


Bob Lang      | TR 6 Guy           | Editor: New England Triumphs
Phone:        | 617-253-7438 (days)| 781-438-2568 (eves)
Occupation:   | ComputerZ          | TR fixer-Upper

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