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RE: HELP ! - entirely non LBC

To: "'John Macartney'" <>, Triumphs List <>, Friends of Triumph <>
Subject: RE: HELP ! - entirely non LBC
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 23:13:03 -0600

John Macartney wrote:

> I believe I am correct in saying that computers used in forecasting trends
> make extensive use of Poisson Tables? . . .

>. . . TTBOMK forecasting future requirement places heavy emphasis on 
>historical demand and I believe this is something that Monsieur
> Poisson realised when he developed his tables so long ago.

During the 30+ years that have elapsed since I graduated from college with a
minor in mathematics, I've struggled very hard to forget all vestiges of the
knowledge I once had of Monsieur Poisson and his dreaded tables. I'm proud
to report that I've succeeded.

I'd be extremely surprised, however, if you don't find someone on the FOT or
TR list who knows this topic inside and out. The recent exchanges on the TR
list regarding the finer points of Spotted Dick preparation convince me that
there is no subject too obscure for some Triumph afficionado to have
mastered it.

Oh NO!!!!!!!!!! . . . It's starting to come back!

f(x) = ((e^y) * (y^x)) / x!     (where y is the mean and x takes on
non-negative integral values)

Damn. Thirty years of work down the drain. My only hope is that I got it

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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