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A close shave

To: "triumphs list" <>
Subject: A close shave
From: "Ian Viles" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 22:53:07 -0000
Last night, at about 5 a.m. my house electrical system tripped out. Luckily,
my 8 year old daughter was awake and woke me up to tell me. We searched the
house for the source of the problem  - found nothing. However, I discovered
a strong electrical burning smell in the garage. I had forgotten to switch
the compressor off after working on the TR. The airline I had been using has
a slight leak, the compressor started during the night and developed a
fault. I dread to think what would have happened if the circuit board in the
house did not have an earth leakage trip. My car, tools, the whole lot could
have gone up in smoke.
I sat down and looked at what materials are stored in the garage (thinners,
paint etc) and tomorrow those that are not used regularly are being moved to
the shed. In future, I will remember to unplug everything before I lock up
the garage.
Ian Viles (Derbyshire, UK)
73 TR6

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