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Re: WestCo Gel-filled batteries

Subject: Re: WestCo Gel-filled batteries
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 15:35:03 EST
Cc: (FOT)
In a message dated 06/01/00 02:43:25 GMT Standard Time, 

<< Subj:     Re: WestCo Gel-filled batteries
 Date:  06/01/00 02:43:25 GMT Standard Time
 From: (David Kettler)
 For what it's worth, I'll throw in my two cents worth on Optima Batteries.
 I now have a total of four of them for my various vehicles including my TR3
 and TR4a.  I've had great performance from them, lots of cold cranking amps,
 and because they are gell cells, no leaks!  They can be mounted in any
 A number of years ago I was a technical administrator for the Electric
 Vehicle Technology Competitions, L.C. (EVTC).  A lot of competitors used
 Optimas.  I can remember a Ford Probe driven by Johnny Rutherford filled
 with Optima batteries that did 130 mph at Firebird Raceway.
 I believe the parent company for Optima is in Sweden.  I know they are
 distributed throughout the states but don't know about Europe.  About three
 years ago they were an official sponsor for SCCA Pro Racing.
 Dave Kettler
 TR3a, TR4a
 SCCA Pro Racing Technical Administrator >>

Thanks very much Dave,
That is most interesting and I will bear it in mind, and pass it on to others.
For now, though, I'm stuck with the WestCo.
(wish I'd known about the Optima's before.)

As you have experience with Gel-Filled/sealed batteries,
Maybe you could offer some advice as to how I should charge my new,
but totally dead flat Gel-Filled WestCo?

Any advice, much appreciated.

Léon F Guyot

Triumph Sports Six Club 
International Liaison Secretary
1963 Triumph Vitesse 2-Litre Convertible 
Wimbledon, London, England.

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