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Flick wipers for Lucas 2 speed

To: <>
Subject: Flick wipers for Lucas 2 speed
From: "Dave Terrick" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 09:29:06 -0600charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>

Don't ALL Lucas wipers "flicker"  ? ?

Seriously,    I did this modification to my TR6 some time ago (but the car
has been gone for several years) and it worked just fine.  I added wires to
the back of the wipe/wash switch so that a momentary push on the washer
button would trigger the park circuit.  Since the washer lines always took
more time to fill and spew blue than the momentary switch push,  I never
wasted fluif (wow, such a little typo and so much attention <BG>).

I read Dave  Massey's post, and Dave perhaps you can refine this idea
worked for me but then again, nobody told me it wouldn't!
The primary benefit of this setup is that no holes or additional switches
need be installed.  there ARE intermittent wiper controls available from pep
boys or similar if you want something "modern" and don't care about

If not:  by memory, here is what to do:

1.  Go to your local electronics store and get a diode  (one way valve for
electricity).  Ask for something that can take an amp or two.  They DO
generate some heat, but only while restricting the current flow - i.e. when
you are using the push/wipe function.  (I'm sure somebody who REALLY knows
power will give the spec, I just kinda winged it)

2.  Fabricate the "harness.  Identify the outgoing power to the washer pump.
Identify the wire leading to the low speed wiper.  Make a jumper wire that
bridges the two lines, with the diode inline.

NB:  What is important is that the power be allowed to run from the pump to
the wiper but not from the wiper to the pump.  If the diode is backwards,
the reverse will happen and the pump will run whenever the wipers are on!!!

The momentary burst of power to the wipers forces them off park, and then
the park circuit takes over and puts the blades through full
sweep....provided they work, of course.  That is the key to this
arrangement - only a short burst of power is needed to do the job.

Now here's another completely different idea.... what about a turn signal
flasher or similar?  The idea is that, much like a mechanical voltage
regulator, there would be an on/off pulse at a given speed.  and, now that
I'm thinking,  I remember an optional relay on Volkswagen Golf's that
allowed intermittent wipers for those who did not have them.  It was a
fairly expensive relay style thingy with an adjusticator knob.  Again,
switch "on" you then controlled the speed of the pulses.

Hey,  anything can work, especially if you don't know that it can't.

Dave T

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