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Planned road trip

Subject: Planned road trip
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 14:06:40 -500
Hi all,
In the interest of family bonding, three guys including myself are planning
to drive from Ottawa (that's just north of NY state) to Mount Dora, Florida.
We would likely cross the border from Quebec into Vermont.
We know nothing about the route, so, I'm hereby requesting your collective 
We're looking for fabulous scenery and adventure on the way, and hopefully,
to meet some listers and their LBCs. The route does not have to be the fastest
or most direct way, but I don't want to do it via Nevada. I do think I want
to pass through Virginia & Kentucky as I have the impression they're loaded
with older iron (including another interest, tractors.) (Oh yeah, and scenery.)

So if you've some advice, please let me know so we can put together A PLAN.

BTW, this trip will not be in an LBC, as the only one that any of us own is
lying around my garage in several hundred pieces. I'm hoping to get some kind
of camper together if possible eg. a VW Westphalia. 
BTW#2, if anyone knows where I can get one (or the use of one) around here,
please let me know! I could easily go as far as Toronto in this particular 

If you're emailing, in the interest of reduced clutter, perhaps it would be
best to respond directly to me.
For the benefit of the list, I'll compile a trip report including relevant LBC
contact along the way. 
Jim Wallace
get your motor running...

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