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Triumphs, Christians, Conspiracy Theorists & Charles Runyan

To: "Terry Matthews" <>
Subject: Triumphs, Christians, Conspiracy Theorists & Charles Runyan
From: "Bill Brewer" <>
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 09:24:15 -0800
Cc: <>
Hey HoTerry!
     Great to hear from you.
     I was going to make a joke about whether you can be a Christian and
drive a TR-7, but will let that one pass.
     My original comments were to insinuate that saying a quiet prayer on
the side of the road beside an overheated 40 year old car might be more
common place than was previously  thought.
     Was it MacArthur that sad "There are no atheists in foxholes", or was
it Eisenhower?
     I should have said that Charles Runyan is a Christian (he may or may
not be) and that is why there are so many back orders at TRF. There must be
a conspiracy somewhere.
     Just because one is a Christian doesn't mean that one doesn't get to
enjoy life.
     My sister & brother in law ride Harley's for the Christian
Motorcyclists Association (Hogs For Christ). You never know.
     A TR-3A is much like a four wheeled Harley.
     Randall was just having some California fun with the "Year of the
     Salutations from North to South.

     Bill Brewer
     Tehachapi, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Matthews <>
To: Bill Brewer <>
Date: Sunday, January 02, 2000 2:51 AM
Subject: There are other TR owners that ARE Christians!

>Hi Bill,
>I feel sorry for the lister that felt that he had to bag you because you
>declared that you are a Christian - especially when your message was
>somewhat tongue in cheek.
>I am proud to say that I am also a Christian and own a 1978 TR7 FHC with
>Dolly Sprint 16v engine.
>I have just had a paint job done on it as the paint was crazed.  It also
>a roll cage so I plan to enter club sprints this year.  My friend who has
>done the main mechanical work to get it roadworthy (for registration
>purposes) and upgrading the front brakes with TR8 rotors and callipers is
>also a Christian.  We feel that it is ok with God to enjoy cars so long as
>our activity doesn't become an obsession and we aim to bring glory to God
>all that we do.
>I have attached a picture of my TR7 with me.
>Terry Matthews

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