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Re: Y2K, Xmas Greetings, TR's, Etc

Subject: Re: Y2K, Xmas Greetings, TR's, Etc
From: Randall <>
Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 19:21:18 -0800
References: <000901bf54ca$5103e540$4a18a5d1@w3a1z0>
Bill :

Don't be too quick to assume that, just because someone passes out
presents on the winter solstice (or eggs on the vernal equinox), and
says "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Easter", they are Christians.

As the Druids learned the hard way, several thousand years ago, it's
best for pagans to be somewhat circumspect when surrounded by followers
of that Jewish carpenter.

Happy Feast of Christ's Circumcision and Happy Year of the Dragon

Bill Brewer wrote:
>      Did anyone notice how many Christmas greetings were religious? As a
> Christian, I was moved. I thought most TR pilots were hedonistic pagans or
> certainly at least heathens. Perhaps regularly driving 40 year old British
> cars leads one to need to pray more often...

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