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TRF (Hopefully end of comments)

To: <>
Subject: TRF (Hopefully end of comments)
From: "Sumner Weisman" <>
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 09:55:18 -0500
Cc: "Triumphs" <>
Organization: S. Weisman Associatescharset="Windows-1252"
Right on, Fred, I'm with you.  Up to now I've kept my mouth (and keyboard)
quiet about this perennial subject, but have been getting pretty angry as
I've read some of the rantings on this list.

Look folks, we NEED suppliers for our cars.  Your comments could become a
self-fulfilling prophesy, and if TRF goes under, it's your loss too.  We
simply don't have all that many sources of parts that we can tell one of the
primary companies where to go.  Who are you really hurting in a long run,
TRF or this hobby?

After many years of watching small entrepreneurships like TRF, I can tell
you that what may happen here is definitely not good for our hobby.  The
banks that the company is in debt to could force the founder to put a
bean-counter (sorry, any accountants on the list) in charge.  The founder
takes a minor role, and is eventually forced out.  Yes, it's good for
business practices, but very bad for us.  The new president has no feeling
for our cars, just for inventory turns and the bottom line.  I've seen it
happen over and over again, and believe me, WE will suffer for it when
prices goes up, and quality and inventory goes way down.

I've always been treated very fairly by TRF, even to the point of poor
business practice on their part just to keep me happy once or twice.  You're
only hurting yourself.  Let's knock it off.

Sumner Weisman
62 TR3B

Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 15:17:34 -0500
From: "Fred Thomas" <    >
Subject: TRF

Well, it seems that everyone has forgotten who Charles Ruynon is, HE HAS
years is very hard to find but certainly one to be cherished, anyone can
kick the hell out of a guy on the ground, it takes a really big man to say
"Here friend, let me give you a hand", some of the comments on TRF from a
few, are beyond critical, they want blood, they only want to destroy the man
and his lifes work, yes I think 25 years in the middle of the life cycle is
a lifetime. Most of the people posting the really bad opinions are very new
to the hobby, some that have been around for 20/25 years know what TRF means
to everyone on this list. This media of communication is the most powerful
that has ever been known, and just a few more days of this S@#T your job of
destroying a fine man will be complete. Please the entire world has no need
of reading this bashing, everyone go out have a very "Happy New Year", and
let this subject just go away.  All should go back a reread jonmac's card
from the little lady of the night, it sure makes you think, and it sure
applies to this subject right now.  "FT"

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