I'm waring the paint off my delete key. (And in the meantime, I received
a big parts order from TRF that I need to install.) Let's move on!
>Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 08:24:30 -0500
>From: Bob and Nancy <>
>Subject: Bashing of parts suppliers
>Well, it has happened again, and, as always, the sequence is the
>Step 1. Lister "A" gets pissed at LBC parts supplier "X" and rants to
>Step 2. Listers "B" through "J" chime in and agree that "X" is a
>corporation run by terrible people.
>Step 3. Listers "K" through "O" come to the defense of "X".
>Step 4. Listers "P" through "V" turn the conversation to include
>criticism, or praise, of the other LBC suppliers, "Y" and "Z".
>Step 5. Finally, lister "W" ends the thread with a message from a
>voice saying something like, "Just remember, without "X", "Y", and "Z"
>wouldn't be able to get ANY parts for our cars so quit your bitching"
>It usually takes about 4 (+/- 1) days to get from "A" to "Z" during
>time I make heavy use of my delete key. -Bob