If you have a little time you can make your own. Look in the yellow
pages for cabinet shops or even better, boat builders/restorers. They will
have almost any type of wood on hand. I have good luck with boat people. They
will often sell "scraps" that are perfect to work from. Use your old dash as
a pattern and cut out the new one.You will need a jig saw, hole saws to match
the size of the body of the speedo,tach,etc., sandpaper (80 to 320 grit) and
polyeurathane. I use the gloss spray. Most of the dashes I have made were out
of either mahogony or teak and gave real nice touchs to the car.You wont
spend quite as much money and you will enjoy the " wow, you made that !" when
you show off the car. As an added bonus when your done, you will have all the
equipment ready to do the nex one!