On Mon, 20 Dec 1999 09:35:22 -0800 (PST), Roland Dudley wrote:
>The subject of what the definition of a classic or antique car is
>to come up often on car lists and news groups. I've never
>why people seem to get so worked up over this subject.
Back in the 60's when I started out in the hobby, classics were
pretty much understood to be certain marques from the 30's,
like Auburn, Cord, Packard, Deusenberg, and the like. Antiques
were from the period before that. There wasn't that much
all history after all, so I wasn't that tough. I think Hemmings came
up with the name Special Interest to cover cars which didn't
meet the more strict definitions. Of course, now in the 00's we
have the problem of what to call collectable cars from the
post-WWII. But there seems to me anyway less interest
in getting too precise about it.
scott s.