I had a flooding problem with one of the carbs (Stromberg CD 150) on my
Sports 6 (Vitesse). I tried everything (or so I thought) but on startup gas
would pour into the bore of the carb and actually out on the ground. It
turns out there is an air passage up through the carb body that allows the
air pressure to equalize as the fuel lever rises and falls in the bowl.
When the air cleaners are off you will see a hole above the main bore of the
carb. This connects through the carb body to an opening into what is
essentially the "roof" of the float chamber. If this is plugged with varnish
and crud as mine was you will need to go in with a wire and clean this
passage out. Make sure you can run the wire in one end of this passage and
out the other. If not pressure from the fuel pump will push fuel out
through the jet before the float even gets a chance to come up and close of
the needle valve. Don't ask me how many hours I spent adjusting the float
and rechecking everything before I was told about this possibility.
Good Luck,
Dan Elder