I think what you are seeing for shafts is the general shaft they send for
all larger SU replacement shafts. The reason for them being long is that
they need to be cut to length, since all SU applications are not the same.
It would be quite impractical to make different shafts for every SU
application. The last set of HS6's I rebuilt I had to cut the shafts to
lenghts and drill the hole for the throttle stop, not to hard, just mark it
and drill. You can probably remove the bushings in the carb body by using
and easy out (works sometimes, and is easier than reaming them). Don't ream
them if the clearance isn't bad (or if the hole isn't worn to oval), if it is
offset though you may want to ream to get the centerline back. Have a
competant machine shop do that work. The rebuild kit probably comes with the
isolator you speak of because the kit is for 3/4" SU's of all variety, not
just HS6, I don't believe the SU's with floats that have the flexible pipe to
the jet use a rubber isolator.