Jack, if ideas have sprung to mind, I think it would be rather expensive to
light up your fleet. "FT"
----- Original Message -----
From: <jack@cocoinc.com>
To: Triumph List <triumphs@autox.team.net>; <levilevi@home.com>
Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: A Truiumph Christmas Decoration
> Ah come on, we need a picture of what that looks like, please!!??? With
> lights on off course.
> Jack Levy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-triumphs@autox.team.net
> [mailto:owner-triumphs@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of levilevi@home.com
> Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 2:25 AM
> To: Triumph List
> Subject: A Truiumph Christmas Decoration
> Who'd a thunk it? The rust bucket TR6 as a thing of beauty. OK, so it
> takes the darkness of night to make it happen, but at least it looks
> good 12 hours a day. I'd seen all those wire reindeer and other
> assorted figures lit up in people's yards so I thought why the heck even
> a rust bucket Triumph could compete with that. I strung lights up the
> bonnet (or where the bonnet would be if it had one), the doors, the
> boot, up the fenders (those rust holes make a great place for those
> plastic light holders), around the bumpers and wheel wells and the top
> and at the bottom of the doors. I put those chasing lights on all four
> wheels so there's some crazy spinning motions.
> Amusing to see people actually stop and look at the silly thing. The
> old girl looks pretty good in the dark and it started right up (and
> idles darn smooth) so I could drive it to the end of the driveway. Kind
> of a hoot giving the old Triumph a role in the Holidays and I only had
> to shovel a little snow to dig it out.
> Bud Rolofson
> P.S. I stole this idea from a junkyard here in Colorado. When Brad
> Kahler and I were out looking for a TR3 tub we saw one at this junkyard
> but I swear they doubled the asking price on him because it was one of
> their "Christmas cars" that they decorated with Christmas lights and
> they just didn't want to lose it because it had such cool lines and
> looked so good with lights on it. Brad let them keep it (I know that's
> a hard one to believe).