>Check out my website. I got a lot of help from the webmaster at work. She
>made a big point about using some WYSIWYG web page development tool so that
>you get a consistent look and feel on every page. I used Symantec Visual
>Page. The second point she made was to use frames. If you notice most
>modern websites today... they all implement a frame layout with a sidebar
>index so the reader can jump to what interests them and in the order they
>want to read rather than a sequential only read style.
With a Mac the best tools are Homepage, Dreamweaver and Golive. It is
possible that Filemaker Inc. may not update Homepage from it's current
version. It is the easiest to learn & has some things it is best at so I
would hate to see it a victim of the Claris split. Front page rewrites
your code way too much for my taste and has been known to automatically
insert code that enhances it's look on explorer and that Navigator can
not read. Page Mill has always been clunky & primitive. I suspect now
that Adobe has purchased Go Live, they will let Page Mill die.
I currently use Homepage for my personal web site
(http:www.cruzers.com/~twakeman) and Dreamweaver for overlander.net
Frames are a tool used to achieve a certain look & feel. Some sites are
easier to use with frames. Some are not. A frame permanently takes up
part of your web page. This is esp. critical for people using portables
or low res monitors. Before you permanently dedicate part of your window
area to a frame, you need to decide how important or convenient it is for
that space to be permanently allocated vs having it available for other
layout elements as a person scrolls.
I like your template page but you might consider adding hspace & vspace
to your picture. It was right up against the right side of my window.
If it is of interest, I looked at it with a 9600/350 with 17 inch monitor
set to 600X800 res.
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