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Re: Member page

To: Randall <>, Triumph Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Member page
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 15:04:34 -0700
References: <> <>
Randall wrote:

> Jack W Drews wrote:
> > Question: for those of us without digital cameras, what means would we
> > use for transmitting a picture....
> Take a conventional picture and get a print made.  (If you don't have a
> conventional camera either, you can buy disposable ones for around $15,
> including processing.)  Then, either :
> 1) Buy a scanner..., 2) Take the pics to Kinko's..., 3) Get someone else to
> scan them....

Randall, add 4) shoot a roll and, when you drop them off for developing, have
them scanned to CD at the same time. I think Kodak has a special before
Christmas where the CD is free.

Another good reason to do this is so that you have photos of your car for
insurance purposes. If, buddha forbid, your car is stolen as part of a scavenger
hunt, you can just email the photos to your insurance agent and you'll probably
get a check the next day for every dollar that you have into your classic
british car.


Steven Newell
Crave Technology, Denver, CO
303.675.0777 / 303.675.0999 (fax)

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