I don't have webers but that's exactly how zs carbed engines react when the
mixture is set too lean. Richen you mixture up 1/4 turn or so and see if that
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Subject: Weber Tuning
Author: Chris Kincer <KincerC@area.abcbank.com>
Date: 11/30/1999 10:40 AM
I was wondering if anyone out there can give me some info on Tuning the
32mm/36mm DVG type Webers. I'm not running this setup by choice. They
were PO installed and I'm just going to have to live with them until I
can get my ZS from my parts car rebuilt. Or until I can get these to
run right. Currently the Car runs great except for a pronounced
hesitation when I step on the gas from Idle. I have to let off the gas
and ease into it. Once I get going the car runs strong in all gears no
missing except from Idle speed. Could this be a clogged jet or the
wrong Idle jet? The only other problem is that my gas mileage is
terrible. I don't remember it ever being this bad. Are these two
problems related? Any info would be much appreciated. By the way I
just had the valves, and timing adjusted.
Chris Kincer