--- Erkan Hassan <ehassan@rx.umaryland.edu> wrote:
> There is a company in Ohio that sells real lead
> additive (not the
> substitute stuff from local chains). Their name
> escapes me now. It
> costs about $25 per gallon and you can add as much
> or as little as you
> like. It also boosts the octane. I usually add
> 10-12 ounces per
> tankful in the TR3B.
> I do not know if this is actually doing anything or
> if I would be OK
> with just using the unleaded stuff, but I figure
> leaded fuel was
> originally intended therefore leaded it shall be.
> If you would like the name and number of the company
> let me know and
> I would be happy to look it up and send it along.
> Erkan Hassan
Speaking of octane boosters; we can buy leaded
racing gas in our area. Priced at $1.59 a gallon for
118. My qustion is, what would the best ratio be to
achieve around a 97 to 100 octane level if you use
93 unleaded as a base? I've noticed that when running
the cars on a mixture of this type of fuel the exhaust
burns out that ash gray color I remember in the days
before unleaded.