>===== Original Message From KTRIUMPH@aol.com =====
>In a message dated 11/17/99 2:28:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>gspens@interactivemediaworks.com writes:
><< Is there any truth to this:
> I'm trying to free a stuck piston from an old TR6 block. I soaked
> it and now am sledging it from the top (side actually the block is on
> it's side) with a piece of wood (hitting the wood with hammer, which in
> turn hits the piston). A mechanic friend of mine says, "you can't do
> that, the piston will only come out one way". Well as the connecting
> rod is still attached and quite rusted to the crank, it seems I have to
> hit the crown to push the piston "down" to get it out. Am I doing the
> impossible? does te pistion have to go "up" to be removed?
> Thanks
> Graham Spencer
> >>
>The piston isn't going anywhere if it's still bolted to the crank!
>Ken Nuelle
further the conrod can't rust to the crank, it may look like it but it can't.
>58 TR3A
>62 TR3B
>64 TR4
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