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Re: Fred Thomas' post on friendship

To: "Triumphs List" <>
Subject: Re: Fred Thomas' post on friendship
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 12:12:35 -0000charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Francois Demont" <>
It's clear there are some people on this list who have a
competence to speak and write another language - in this
case, French. It certainly applies to those living in Canada
as well as the many Triumph enthusiasts in France, Belgium
and Switzerland. I would imagine that if they have lists of
their own they would be smaller in number. I would like to
propose welcoming those people having French as their mother
tongue - even if they do speak English. If the majority can
only speak French, does this matter? They should know they
can submit queries and replies to one another and us in
their native tongue and some of us can pick up the message
and run with it. If anyone else agrees, please reply
off-list making sure you copy your reply to Francois Demont
(of Amicale Spitfire in France). I'm sure some of us have
corresponded with Francois (whose English is excellent) but
he can then inform his extensive membership of the joining
instructions if the idea proves worthwhile.
The same goes for other languages too. In the summer, we
posted potted biographies of our lives - so why not the same
thing again ref language competence?
For Jonmac read English French and German


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