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RE: universal principle

To: "'Randall'" <>
Subject: RE: universal principle
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 11:05:30 -0600
Cc: Jack W Drews <>,

Randall wrote:

> Since I firmly believe the new millenium does not start for over a year
> (think about it : there was no "year zero of our Lord"), I propose we
> shelve Jack's suggestion for futher consideration in 2001.

Actually, there WAS a year "zero" - just like every other thing that
celebrates a birthday or an anniversary. The problem is that the dumbbells
who came up with the calendar several hundred years later FORGOT TO PUT IT

We now have a rare opportunity to correct this mistake once and for all by
re-doing the year 1999 in place of the missing year zero. This will, among
other beneficial effects, result in a postponement of the Y2K crisis for a
full year and resultant full employment for computer programmers

Jim Hill
SpyderWeb Racing
Madison WI

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