In a message dated 14/11/99 07:55:03 GMT Standard Time, writes:
<< Subj: Re: I've had an idea!
Date: 14/11/99 07:55:03 GMT Standard Time
From: (Malcolm Walker)
CC:, (Joe Curry), (Andrew Mace)
On Sat, 13 Nov 1999 wrote:
> My preference would be to not use the 'free' web space. I find their
> ads annoying, and I believe you will quickly encounter space limit
> problems. I archived over 100 bio's, probably missed a few, and I have
> reason to believe the turnout was rather poor. Seems to me with only a
> medium turnout, and one 72 dpi JPG/car, you will quickly need 10-20 Mb,
> which is more than most 'free' services will allow. Plus, it would be
> nice to allow multiple jpegs, for "before and after" shots, etc.
I agree with Randall here...
> If some smart person would create some CGI to allow web access to a FTP
> site (MJB again ?), perhaps several people could share the burden of
> uploading jpegs. Once the initial 'burst' is over, it won't be all that
> time consuming anyway (assuming a fast Inet connection). The CGI
> scripts can basically eliminate the tedium of re-doing a web page every
> time someone adds a jpeg.
Ja, a CGI script would perform swimmingly here.
I actually just did up a CGI that renders a bunch of (pre-saved...)
It wouldn't take much fuss to whip up a perl script that parses some
database file and flings a bunch of pictures on a web page.
I would offer to host it on my own (real live!) linux box... BUT we only
have 1GB of bandwidth and I fear that it would get used up plenty quick
with all of the listers' traffic... (besides, I see that others have
stepped in)
Another idea is to host just the thumbnails on a given site which are then
linked to other ISPs with the'big pictures'. In my case you would link to
> Although I do work for a living, I would be willing to help with the
> thumbnail creation and uploading under these conditions.
Go for the Uber Script: you upload the file and it reduces the size for
you! Hmm, maybe that's too ambitious. Bet I could do it, though ;-)
Thanks Malcolm,
OK, for ignoramuses like me!!!
Please explain the terms:
'CGI script' & 'perl script'
Thanks again.