Stainless steel is a poor conductor of heat (relative to the usual exhaust
system materials). So, the outside temperature of the exhaust system is
likely quite a bit lower than conventional system (in a "relatively cool"
sense). Haven't seen the labels. But, most likely the labels remain because
of this "poor conductivity" keeping the label from seeing "high"
temperature. But, who cares as long the system lasts.
I once worked a summer job in a factory in the very early 1970's that used
lots of stainless steel (mostly 316SS but some 304SS). One night, a coworker
pulled his "vee-dub" beetle up to the back door, went down to the welding
shop, and got a custom made, welded up stainless steel exhaust system. As
far as I know, this is the first recorded instance of a stainless exhaust
system ;>)
Roy Malac
'60 TR3a TS63103LO (in restoration)