Also, remember that Charles and/or John are not the ones actually processing
your order at TRF. These things often occur on an individual order basis,
quite apart from policy, which at TRF is excellent. I confess that I haven't
bought much from any supplier ('the darn things just keep running'), and
what I've needed I've usually picked off mine or someone else's parts car in
the club. I did however buy a bunch of 3A stuff from TRF around Xmas last
year when the half price sale was on ('wing mirrors? - sure, I'll get a
pair!'). All my order was processed in due course, and while some items were
not immediately available, a statement of items outstanding arrived with
each successive shipment. The one problem I was not happy about was, being a
Canuck, I had to pay $5 processing fee from Cdn Customs for each box
arriving from the U.S.! If I could've specified it all be shipped in fewer
boxes when the order was complete, I might've tried that. I likewise had no
problem from Moss when I ordered some stuff like wind wings at half price
from them a couple years ago. I guess the moral would be not to venture into
backorderland unless certain no supplier is able to get it, even direct from
Cheers, JD
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Hill []
Sent: September 30, 1999 1:20 PM
Subject: RE: TRF Nightmare & Credit Card charges
Larry Miceli wrote:
> IMHO, I have delt with TRF for many years anh have NEVER run into
> anything like this. In fact, when I have had the occassional
problem ,
> they even overnighted a part to me, at their expense, so I could
get the
> car to a show.
> I would call and ask to speak to John Swauger. He should be able
to get
> things corrected.
My experience has been the same as Larry's and my advice would be
the same.
I've returned parts that I discovered I couldn't use, or that were
wrong for
some reason, many months after I'd gotten them - with no question
and no
hassle. And without having the bill re-calculated if the return
meant that
my original order didn't meet the minimum dollar amount for whatever
discount had been in effect when I sent in the original order.
Backordered items are sometimes a problem, but you can always cancel
order and go elsewhere. Everything I've ever put on backorder has
delivered eventually (and there's no shipping charge on backordered
I suspect (and I hope) that the original problem that led to this
was an "insolated isodent" :-)
Jim Hill
Madison WI