>===== Original Message From <ow@tquest.org.uk> =====
>Hi there gurus. There are often several serial numbers for distributors for
>production runs of an engine type. Although these engines seem identical
>the ignition timing correct settings often read differently. When fitting a
>new distributor of the same type eg Lucas 45D4 which has a different timing
>numbers quoted for it do you set it up for the new or old timing values. In
>essence, do you ignition time for the old block's setting or the new
>distributors quoted setting? Can anyone tell me where these variations
>arise? One only has to look at the Haynes Manual for the Mini to see the
>timing variations over the years! I've often wondered about this and now
>need your help again to get the Triumph fired up! Cheers, OJ.
Well, the dizzy might contain different weights for the advance which might
necessitate diferrent settings. Then again the engine where it came from might
have had adifferent cam which might necessitate a different setting. Best get
the thing rolling roaded. Cheers,
............Gernot von Hoegen................
---------------- A V A C --------------------
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