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RE: Dolomite Sprints

To: "Neil Cotty" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Dolomite Sprints
From: Gernot von Hoegen <>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:18:57 +0100
depends what you want. its a very quick saloon, comparable to say Alfettas oor 
giulias of the time. However, being a descendant of the same engine as the TR7 
you have to be aware of the fact that you might need to change head gaskets 
every sooften, have the head shaved (compound engine with alloy head and cast 
block) but other than that desirable no doubt.

>===== Original Message From "Neil Cotty" <> =====
>Hi all,
>Would anyone be prepared to give me their opinion on Sprints? I know someone
>who has one for sale at a reasonable price in excellent condition. I'm aware
>of the unique motor, cam etc but any further info,
>positives/negatives/experiences etc
>would be appreciated. There isn't a lot of info on the Web apart from one or
>two sites so I figured I'd go to the experts! :)

............Gernot von Hoegen................
---------------- A V A C --------------------
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