>crash pad not as thick as the orginal. Does anyone out there know if someone
>make a better, closer to orignal one? TRF, VB, or Rimmer perhaps? Thanks
>again in advance...
I purchased a set from British Parts Northwest ( ), and am more than happy with them For $150, I
received the two lower pads, the plinth, the dash top, and the two door
They fit perfectly, and were the same size and shape as the originals,
although in much better condition (30 years newer <G>).
Feel free to check the fit and looks out in my car at, where there's a couple of closeup pics of the
interior and dash.
I have no interest in British Parts Northwest, except as a very satisfied
customer. I found them to be considerably less expensive than Moss, VB, or
TRF, and very pleasant to deal with.