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Redline Tires (TR6)

Subject: Redline Tires (TR6)
From: Bill Elliott <>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 19:33:41 -0400
Sorry to rehash a subject that's covered here every now and then, but
I've been unsuccessful in researching an answer.

My Michelin Redlines are _finally_ worn out.  I really dislike these
tires... especially since one can buy _much_ superior tires at half the
price. I would also like a lower profile (wider) tire.  Rims are stock.

My problem... the wife (who claims the TR6 as hers) demands Redlines.

At a car show today, there was a vendor who carved and painted Redlines 
into normal tires.  The set we watched him do looked pretty good (and
met with my wife's approval!), but I'm concerned about how long it will

I see my options as rather limited.

Any recommendations?

How long do the "paint-on" redlines last? Easily redone? Skip

I also seem to remember someone with a source for 70 series (215/70?)
redlines. Anyone have this info? Are the tires any good?

Thanks for any help!

Bill Elliott
Lake Mills, WI

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