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Re: Carb Adjustment

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: Carb Adjustment
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 16:57:21 -0700
References: <>
Erkan Hassan wrote:

> I thought that the carbs on my 62 TR3B were running too rich based on
> the following:  poor gas mileage (1/3 tank of premium with lead added
> per ~100 miles), black soot on exhaust pipe, gas smell in garage after
> running (gas tank without holes).

It does seem likely it was running rich (the black plugs) but I would also
look very closely for a gas leak.  I've had my car too rich on occasion
but never to the point of smelling raw gas.  Look around the fuel pump and
below the carbs with the engine running.  A small leak occuring only while
the engine is running may land on a frame rail and evaporate without ever
reaching the floor.  It doesn't take much raw gas to make a big smell.
Also doesn't take much to start a barbeque.

BTW, I've never used Colortune preferring to adjust by ear so I can't
answer the blue flame question.

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A

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