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To: <>, "Jim Hill" <>
Subject: Re: BMIHT
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 02:53:54 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Triumphs List" <>
>Art Kelly wrote:
>> OK.  Someone asked me for a listing for the BMIHT so he
could get a build
>> certificate.  I sent him to the old address
>> (  He said that
the couldn't get
>into that address.  I double checked and although I got in
it said that the
>BMIHT had moved to (  i go tin
there but two

Well this is a turn up for the book. I didn't even know HMC
had a new website and this one is certainly new. There's
even a new URL and this is one quantum leap forward.
Previously it had been buried in the Stratford on Avon site.

>> 1) No mention of certificates

IMHO, a VERY serious shortfall. I'm taking this up with the
person concerned and obviously responsible for this site.

>> 2) NO mention of Triumphs at all.

Sorry, not true. If you look at the top menu bar, click on
Collection and you then get a list of the makes. Click on
Triumph and there are some pictures where clicking on the
pic gives you a VERY brief outline. I can only conclude this
is the beginning of something much larger because the other
makes seem to have a fairly limited pictorial choice. With
over 400 cars in the total collection, none is being too
well served.. At least, I hope it is.

>> Anyone care to comment or clear this up?  Cheers.

>When I tried to log in under the URL I'd bookmarked
>( I got a Not Found
Error 500. When I
>went to the new page you refer to, I found the following
language included
>in their Mission Statement:
> The British Motor Industry Heritage Trust is a wholly
> of Rover Group, and has recently been incorporated within
the BMW
> Mobile Tradition Division, and strongly supports the
> Rover <>, Land Rover
> MG <> and Mini
>This is a bit disconcerting . . .
>John MacCartney - what's up here?

All a bit of a dog's breakfast, isn't it? I'm not making
excuses for my colleagues or the guy(s) who put this site
together but here's one explanation. HMC now reports direct
to BMW in Munich and under the CURRENT corporate set-up
within the Rover/BMW group as a whole, Rover, Land Rover, MG
and Mini are franchise names within the current structure.
Therefore they are reasonably entitled to have sites of
their own. That said, Rover, Land Rover, MG and Mini are not
(AFAIK) integral parts of BMW Mobile Tradition. Mobile
Tradition is BMW's own museum operation and as 'separate'
from BMW car manufacture as Heritage is 'separate' from
Rover production. Seems to me that someone has seriously
misunderstood something and got their wotsits caught in the
mangle mixing current production franchise names with museum
activities. There is certainly a bit of overlap here between
present activity and past history because what I have
referred to below as "the old bit" are names that are
entitled to be part of Heritage but they are names still
being used in modern vehicle manufacture. Getting bitter and
twisted about the lack of Triumph is only adding to further
confusion. Remember that Austin, Austin Healey, Land Rover
(the old bit) MG (the old bit) Morris, Riley, Rover (the old
bit) Standard, Triumph, Vanden Plas and Wolseley all form
part of the Heritage collection. At the same time, those
names and the former trademarks are still current but do NOT
form part of the day to day production cycle of making new
Hope this helps to clear up some of the confusion.
BTW, I've sent a mildly 'stinky' article I've written about
this situation to the Director of Communications and
Marketing at Gaydon for his review. This is not wearing my
employee hat but my Club Editorial one. It's too long to put
on the list but if anyone wants to have a preview in M/S
Word, mail me off list.


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