I beleive Peter informed the list of 2 potential (owner installed) problems
with the brake light switch, of which I have never heard, he also said they
have received no complaints from any users of the switches, I sure like the
idea of having a P/C customer service on line listening and giving a helping
hand, I also think he is showing a keen interest in the total goings on in
this hobby. Thanks for being there Peter. "FT"
----- Original Message -----
From: Randall Young <randallyoung@earthlink.net>
To: Triumphs (E-mail) <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 5:07 PM
Subject: Vendors on list (was : Brake Light Switch)
> On Wednesday, August 25, 1999 12:09 PM, Robert J Carley
> [SMTP:rcarley@uoguelph.ca] wrote:
> >
> >
> > I sometimes worry about people who work for a supplier being on this
> list.
> I disagree entirely. Peter's presence (and occasional posts) on the list
> keep us all reminded that the people we are insulting may well be
> <g>
> It's also nice to occasionally hear a vendor's reply to our complaints.
> And, many times the best informed people are those who work "in the
> industry". (Brian Schlorff particularly springs to mind ...)
> BTW, I've had to replace my brake light switch exactly twice in 15 years.
> First time, I used one from Bap-Geon that lasted only about 2 years, but
> the one I got from Moss about 5 years ago is still working. I've promised
> myself if it ever happens again, I'm going to switch to an American
> mechanical (not hydraulic) brake light switch, mounted right on the pedal
> box.
> Randall
> 59 TR3A "daily driver wanna be"