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Auto Transport Services

Subject: Auto Transport Services
From: "Stephen P." <>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 10:00:17 PDT
I'm sure this question has been asked before, so I apologize for the

I think I have finally located a car and am getting close to starting to
work out a deal.  The problem is the car is about 200 miles away.  So, I
figure I probably should locate a transport service (flatbed tow truck) to
bring the car to my house.  The car seems to be in fine mechanical shape,
but it hasn't been driven on an expressway, and I don't want to take the
chance especially driving 200 miles at high speed.

Can anyone suggest any companies in the Midwest, specifically the Chicago
area, that I might contact for estimates?  Given the distance, what should I
expect to pay for the transport?

Thanks for the input.


Steve Peca
(former owner of) 1980 TR7 convertible
(in search of) 1957 TR3

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