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RE: [personals] HHE seeks pair SUC

To: "'Donald H. Locker '" <>
Subject: RE: [personals] HHE seeks pair SUC
From: Gernot Vonhoegen <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 16:46:50 +0100charset="windows-1252"
Cc: "'Triumphs List '" <>
 well, they first were H2's and then HS2's. The difference is not great, I
have a pair of HS's that have slightly older float chamber lids, one of the
differences. The H2's might have used brass caps instead of plastic caps but
afaik these are nla though one could probably turn them easily if required.
As to MM's, the early ones may well have had H2's but the late ones, the
1100's definitely had HS's. I am pretty sure the Minis only had HS's though
I can't again vouch for the early ones. MGA's had H's but the were H4's. No
clue if a set of HS's from a 1500 Spit would fit, the a series manifold on
mine definitely wouldn't fit. Of course you could go for the carbs alone and
make up a manifold from tubing, probably even better flowing than a factory
cast one.

Cheers, Gernot

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Marr
To: Donald H. Locker
Cc: Triumphs List
Sent: 24/08/99 14:49
Subject: Re: [personals] HHE seeks pair SUC

I could be wrong here, but I believe BMC "A" series engines used these
carbs.  Seems to me my Morris Minor had an H2.  The "A" series engine
from the 848cc engine in the Mini and early Austin A35, thru the 1098cc
engine used in the Austin/Morris 1100, to the 1275cc engine used in the
Cooper S and the Austin/Morris 1300.  As I said, the 948cc engine used
the Morris Minor and Austin A40 Farina was also an A series engine.  Of
course, this engine was not the same as the 948cc Herald engine.

-----Original Message-----
From: Donald H. Locker <>
To: <>; <>
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 3:50 AM
Subject: [personals] HHE seeks pair SUC

>Hot Herald Engine (displacing a svelte 948 ccs) seeks to establish
>intimate relationship with two (preferably related) SU Carburettors.
>Truth to tell, I'm already committed to two I have in my "stable" but
>I (the HHE's SO (spitfire's owner)) am really searching for info on
>the SU carbs I have for this engine.
>The carbs themselves are SU H2 models (1.25 in throat, manifold bolt
>holes located one above the other) but I can't seem to find repair
>parts or information about these.  It would appear that the MG
>T-series and MGA may have used carbs like these, though H4 looks more
>likely.  948 Heralds used H1s.  Where would these have been used?
>A search of triumph, spitfire, and mg archives, a Lycos on the
>internet, and some Rimmer, Moss, and other catalogs don't turn up any
>good hits.
>I did order the books from Burlen (their parts and maintenance books);
>I hope I beat the rush.  If anyone has any other good stuff to add,
>I'll be listening.  And I would be pleased to put together a summary
>if I get enough requests for one.
>TIA, and all.

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