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Bios. OK, my turn.

To: "'Triumph List'" <>
Subject: Bios. OK, my turn.
From: "Heglund, Davis (MN17)" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 10:54:04 -0500

Well, True to form, I usually wait for things to end before I finally open
my mouth.  Here goes:
  I'm 47 (or 48? I forget).  Live near the Twin Cities, Minneapolis/StPaul.
Married a long time.  Kids are out of the house, so the wife and I have to
deal with each other again.  Both going through our mid-life crises, hence
the '69 GT6, motorcycles, golf clubs, etc.  Had a 59 TR3 (never a runner)
and a 62 TR4 daily driver, both 20 yrs ago.  Ran into this GT6 3 years ago,
and it cried out "Take me home, I'm only for you".  I've actually put on
maybe 100 miles in between repairs.  Nobody said it would be easy.  
  Been working as a technologist for a large company, aerospace division,
for about 20 years, will probably retire from here.  If they count up the
time spent on the Tr Digest and dock me, I'll be 75 before retiring.  Used
to be a hippie rock musician, long hair, beads, and (dare I admit it)
perception-enhancing substances.  Ahh, youth.  Now I look forward to giving
my (not yet even considered) grandkids rides in an LBC and getting to know
the other semi-fanatics in the Minnesota Triumphs.
   Dave H.

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