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To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Bios
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 21:11:14 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal

Well, I guess I should jump in on this trend too.....

I'm soon to be 34, married 7 years with two little ones...

My Triumph bug is all my Dad's fault.  He had a 56 TR3 before he got
married, sold it, regretted it and finally replaced in by restoring a TR3; a
project he finished in 1974 (I was 9).  So, There's been a TR in the garage
since I can remember...

I'm a system's administrator, so I get to play all day (when everythings
working right, that is).  Pays well, so I finally bought my own TR2 last
year, travelling from Michigan to Texas over the long 4th of July weekend to
retrieve it.

It now sits in Dad's garage being disassembled and restored.  Dad's got
another TR3 now too, awaiting it's turn to be restored.

Made VTR for the first time this year, what a blast.  First real autocross
too, what a rush.  (Great job, btw, to those who put on the show).

Took Dad and my son (4 1/2) to TRF this year.  We camped and had a blast.
First time Dad ever autocrossed and he's hooked.  He also beat me by 0.397
seconds, although I beat him two out of three runs.

Anyways, Mom & Dad own three Schwinn bike shops and are hoping to sell soon
and retire.  Then, Dad will have more time and hopefully my restoration will
proceed a bit faster.  Needless to say, while Dad was in the garage working
on cars while I was a kid, I was downstairs in the basement doing things on
our Apple ][+ computer, many of which I'll still deny to this day.

So far, I've blown up the Diff and the Tranny on Dad's TR3, so I know how to
fix those two items...  The rest of the restore I'm still playing by ear,
following Dad's lead.

Anyways, hopefully within the next two years or so, my TR2 will be on the
road and he can have his TR3 back (unless my sister gets to it first).

There ya have it, more than anyone could possibly want to know.... <GRIN>

Phil Pattengale
54 TR2  - TS1440-LO {project #1}
56 TR3  - TS13872-L  {project #2}
56 TR3  - TS11820-L (Dad's Car - My Driver)

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