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Re: Voltage System Overcharge

Subject: Re: Voltage System Overcharge
From: Randall <>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 20:09:39 -0700
Cc: Truimph List <>
References: <>

Gary :

Before you started the engine (key on), was the gauge reading normal ?
If so, then the regulator is almost certainly your problem (although
there is a possibility it is the alternator's fault or a short in the
wires to the alternator).
So, I'd start by swapping in your 'known good' alternator (complete with
internal regulator).

The voltage stabilizer does not affect the voltmeter, so it can't be the


gknight wrote:
> ok guys looking for some advice here. while driving my car today ( 73
> tr6) i had just left the house and glanced at the guages and noticed the
> voltage guage was pegged. i turned the car off in traffic and restarted
> and still pretty much the same thing. i really had to pick my daughter
> up so i continued on. ( not real smart i know) when i restarted from
> picking her up the needle didnt quite reach the red this time. i had one
> more stop to make and on the 3rd restart the needle went to its "normal"
> position at around 13. stayed there till i got home. started up to put
> in garage about an hour ago and pegged again.
> any ideas what's up with this?
> 1. voltage stabalizer
> 2. alternater
> 3. the guage it's self
> the needle stays steady where ever it goes, no wavering.
> i have a spare alt and guage. no spare stabalizer.  how/where would i
> test to start troubleshooting this.
> mech. stuff i can pretty well figure out but when it come to elec stuff
> i sometime get a little lost.
> any help grately appreciated
> gary knight
> 73 TR 6  CF331U

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