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Subject: Bios....
From: Highway Star <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 01:03:29 EDT
Well, crazy LBC freinds, we're all screwed...all of us!!  Actually some
us more than others ;)  Some of you have a car list that exceed your
bio...sick, isn't it?  

Been a memeber of this list for at least three or four years. Would like
to thank you all for invaluable information, help, guidance etc.  I
wouldn't have accomplished many of the projects on my cars without you
and this list.

Here's a little two bit about how I got started:  Trashed out of my brain
and looking for a ride or any means of getting back home from the local
college bar in the late 70's on a cold Winter night (Those of you from
Upstate New York have an excellent feel for what I mean by "cold") , one
of my engineering friends pulled up in a lemon colored car with wheels
the size of the Empire State building...with two other gals in the
passanger side. "Hop in."  I need a ride, I'm not gonna question fit,
size and comfort.  Got in, mezmorized by this machine, eyeing any visible
detail with tangled feet, legs, figure it out.   I don't
remember what I said, did, or anything.  Next day, hunted Rick down and
interogated him about this thing with big wheels. He explained and
laughed.  It seemed I had a reoccurring question and statement the night
before; "what kind of car is this?"  As opposed to who are you gals and
how is it that we're fitting in here? Answer "Triumph"  "TR6" seemed to
be the persistant response. Didn't sink in did it?...I had to ask the
next day. And "man are these tires huge"...seemed my head an excellent
vantage view at every turn. Wheels in motion to get one of these fat
wheel mobiles.  I bought one, a '74.  My first car, still have it.

By the way, this is a true story.



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