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body work question on "goop"...

To: Triumphs List <>
Subject: body work question on "goop"...
From: Jim <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 18:48:16 -0400
I'm deep in the throes of scraping the crap out of the 'boot' of our
MkII.  I'm going to have the floor replaced with one from SpitBits when
I take the body to the welders to have the left floor pan replaced.
To the question:
There is a material at some of the metal joints in the boot and in the
floor area of the interior which is a rubber like stuff.  It scrapes off
and is VERY tenacious.
What does one use in place of it prior to painting and where does one
aquire such stuff?
Thanks for the replies.


Rawchester, Neu Yawk
Sptifire MkII  FC68436L  Red, what else?

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