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Re:Bios.. Bill Hook, old rookie w/ 57 TR3

Subject: Re:Bios.. Bill Hook, old rookie w/ 57 TR3
From: Bill <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 12:07:16 +0000
References: <>
Well.. here is another story from a 52+/- yr. old... using mid-life as an 
excuse to have
fun.  I bought my '57 TR3 earlier this summer and spent most of the first month 
paying tow
trucks to get it back home again.  I have never had a car that is just so much 
fun to
This purchase was the result of needing a new car (yes.. we *were* looking for 
practical...Oh well), finding that there were no new cars I liked, and my son 
(a recent HS
graduate, natural born mechanic and reason that the Subaru needed replacing) 
urging me to
buy what I would *really* want.  Little did he know that I would return with a 
side draft
SU, positive ground, whitworth infested LBC...rather than a 55 Chev that he 
could hop up
and play with.
My love of old cars started when I was 4 or 5 ... my father bought a new '52 
Chev. and
gave the '28 Oakland to a farmer to make into a trailer !!!!!.  We did keep the 
Chevy thru
HS though.
My first vehicle was a '53 BMW  R51/3 cycle that I traveled on as a student in 
('69) and still runs beautifully.  Others included..'59 VW (lived in for 6 mo. 
traveling in Europe... sold for 5 lbs at a junk yard in London).. '63 '66 
Willys Wagon (currently in my sons care..IE spread over the garage floor, walls 
clg..but well on its way back to a new life as a serious off road beast)....'77 
Datsun 710
(character car of dubious value..for my daughter in art school)...   '86 Subaru 
ready for
junk yard and a '96 Geo Metro (the practical one that gets used).
So much for cars, and a little about me.. I went to the U of Illinois, practiced
architecture in Chicago and Seattle for 15 years then started my own studio 
architectural renderings for another 15++ years.  My wife, Sandy (a weaver  and 
school secretary), and I have been together for 24 yrs and have two kids 
(nearly on their
I am now back to where I was in HS.. learning again about cars and *really 
glad* to find
this this *IS* the only place where I can relearn everything that I 
forgot in
the shop class I took 30 years ago.   Many thanks to all of you for your help 
willingness to share your knowledge and experience.  I am sure I will continue 
to keep you
entertained with dumb questions as I continue my love affair with the TR3.

Thanks,   Bill Hook, Seattle, WA

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