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TR5, TR6 or Big Six Triumph

Subject: TR5, TR6 or Big Six Triumph
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 09:15:26 -0700
Still, injected TR5, TR6 or Big Six Triumph saloon, it's arguably the best
fun behind a Triumph wheel that I know of with your clothes on.


Let me second that!  I can definitely state that after owning a TR3 and 4 TR6s',
driving my PI TR6 is a bigger kick in the pants!  The engine has a "bark" to it
(although I do still love hearing the sound of a North American TR6 engine) with
great throttle response and plenty of torque!  There are a few listers on this
side of the pond who own and drive PI TRs, e.g., Eric Q and Chris B. who might
share these same sentiments.

As for maintenance, I must say that it is relatively hassle free.  I had my
system overhauled by a TR workshop in the UK.  I just reinstalled it - a basic
nuts and bolts operation.  To adjust/tune the PI, all that was necessary was to
calibrate the throttle butterflies and idle air flow - all very easy compared to
messing with the carbs on my other TRs.  If this is all that I have to do for
the next 30K miles (at which point I expect to have routine maintenance
performed) then the PI system will have proven itself to be one of great value!

Dave Stauffacher
1970 TR6 PI CP51649

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